Transit InSight

UX Design project from my course at BrainStation

Please note that the prototype is black and white by design.

The problem

Transit Anxiety

The goal of the app is to reduce transit anxiety by providing users with insight into their transportation journey.


Problem Space

Project Description

The app provides users instructions on how to get to their destination. The app includes a feature that shows a countdown to when to get off their bus/train. This will help users with their transit anxiety by providing transparency into when exactly their bus/subway will be arriving at their stop.


User Interviews


  • How do you usually get around?
  • Rate from 1-3 how you get around by frequency.
  • Why is _____ your main form of transportation?
  • If public transit is not your main form of transportation, what are some barriers preventing you from taking more public transit?
  • On a scale of 1-10, how would you rate your tech savvy-ness?


  • Users think that public transit is unsafe
  • Users would like more insight into delays and road closures
  • Travel time is 10+ mins, users prefer to take public transit, otherwise, they would walk
  • Public transit feels dangerous at night

User Personas

Asset 1

Andrew Walker

Location: Toronto, Ontario

Age: 24 Education: Bachelor of Commerce

Occupation: Financial Advisor

Status: Single


Andrew is a Financial Advisor at a bank downtown in downtown Toronto.

Andrew budgets his money well and is currently trying to pay off his student debt. Andrew is careful with his money and budgets his money well. He has spreadsheets of all his expenses and keeps a close eye on his finances.

Andrew takes public transit often and dislikes when the bus/train is late or delayed. He would like more insight into his commute.


  • Likes to be in early at work
  • Might go back to school to get his masters
  • Would like to max out his contributions into his TFSA and RRSP every year


  • Frequently encounters delays on public transit, would like more insight to plan ahead
  • Dislikes the crowds of people on public transit during rush hour




Social Media
Tech Savviness
Asset 2

Carla Powell

Location: Markham, Ontario

Age: 43

Education: Television Broadcasting

Occupation: Operations Leader

Status: Married


Carla is an Operations Leader at a television broadcasting station in Downtown Toronto.

Her commute consists of a train from uptown to downtown and then public transit to her workplace.

Carla needs to travel on-site to visit locations to scout out sets. She has anxiety when taking new bus routes to the various locations because she doesn’t know where to get off. She is also an introvert so she doesn’t like asking strangers for directions.


  • Get home on time to make dinner for family
  • Travel quickly and efficiently to her destination


  • Beign blindsided by delays due to multiple transfers in her commute




Social Media
Tech Savviness